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Smartphone for the smarter delivery of drugs, psychoeducational materials and acute intervention for at-risk users
  1. Melvyn W Zhang,
  2. Roger C Ho
  1. Biomedical Institute of Global Healthcare Research and Technology (BIGHEART), National University of Singapore, Singapore
  1. Correspondence to Dr Melvyn Zhang, Biomedical Institue of Global Healthcare Research and Technology (BIGHEART), National University of Singapore, Singapore 119054, Singapore; melvynzhangweibin{at}


Globally, there has been an increasing incidence of drug abuse. Perhaps one of the reasons for the increased incidences of drug usage might be due to the normalisation of drug usage, as drugs, including cannabis, have been legalised for medical usage in states such as Colorado. In the past decade, there have been massive advances in technology, to the extent that the WHO now classifies E-health as an integral part of healthcare. Healthcare professionals are increasingly using technology and smartphone interventions in their practice. Aside from healthcare professionals, the general public has also been using various smartphone applications for a multitude of purposes. While there are numerous healthcare applications out there, one of the main concerns pertains to the evidence base and quality of the information contained within the application. Previous content analysis conducted on cannabis-related application has shown that they are of poor evidence base. With these limitations in mind, the authors set out to conceptualise and devise a psychoeducational drug application using the latest advances in technologies. The authors wish to tap on the latest advances in smartphone technologies to implement a help functionality for users who might need to seek urgent medical help after being intoxicated with drugs.

  • Medical Apps
  • mHealth
  • Psychiatry

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