Use of 3D printing to create a bespoke repair of a Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube in patient unfit for surgical replacementKevin J O’Sullivan, Aidan G O’Sullivan, Noelle Power, John Gillick, Colum P Dunne, Leonard O’Sullivan, Barry Linnane
24 January 2018
Atlas table: a dynamic innovative support device for the coming obesity epidemicAnna Smart, Zachary L Bercu, M.D., R.P.V.I., Haris Shekhani, M.D., Janice Newsome, M.D., Jonathan G Martin, M.D.
30 November 2017
Usage-driven problem design for radical innovation in healthcareGuillaume Lamé, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
24 November 2017
Characterisation of the aortic pulse profile of a radial artery applanation tonometry device in patients with aortic stenosisNicholas Ngiam, Xiayan Shen, Benjamin Yong-Qiang Tan, Sachiko Oinuma, Glenn KM Lee, William KF Kong, Kian-Keong Poh
24 January 2018
Initial assessment of device mechanism of action and patient acceptance of a novel medical device: feasibility study of vaginal bowel control therapy for the treatment of faecal incontinenceEric R Sokol
23 September 2017
Indian medical device sector: insights from patent filing trendsSuchita Markan, Yogmaya Verma
10 June 2017
Autonomic components of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) are favourably affected by Electrical Twitch-Obtaining Intramuscular Stimulation (ETOIMS): effects on blood pressure and heart rateJennifer Chu, Frans Bruyninckx, Duncan V Neuhauser
4 September 2017
Extracardiac approach to functional mitral regurgitation: a cost-effective approach to addressing heart failureChandrashekar Padmanabhan, Raghavan Jagannathan, Krishna Talluri, Jaishankar Raman
24 March 2017
Non-invasive emergent cerclage using a plastic sling: case seriesHumberto Azpurua, Otto Paredes, Solanye Navas, Jose Moros
5 April 2017
American football and other sports injuries may cause migraine/persistent pain decades later and can be treated successfully with electrical twitch-obtaining intramuscular stimulation (ETOIMS)J Chu, S McNally, F Bruyninckx, D Neuhauser
24 March 2017