Table 1

Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing twinning innovations

Short descriptionOriginatorAdopterInnovation typeTwinning type/main objective
Actif age platform
Online platform that provides ready-to-use content that has physical and cognitive benefits for the elderly. In addition, it helps institutions plan activities to improve their service to their guests, giving them more time for individual care and exceptional cases.Actif age.Atendo.ICT tools supporting adherence to care plans.
Applications/web platforms.
Training programmes for patients/users.
Andalusian health population database
‘The Andalusian Health Population Database (BPS)’ is a Health Information System (SIS) based on population that collects clinical data and the use of health resources of each of the individuals that are part of a population.Regional Ministry of Health and Families of Andalusia/Andalusian Health Service.AD-ABC Associação para o Desenvolvimento do centro académico de Investigação e formação biomédica do Algarve (Universidade do Algarve).Care provider EHR systems integration (joined-up/shared records).
Health and care needs assessment toolkit.
Applications/web platforms.
Knowledge exchange and training.
Apps4Dementia library
Apps4Dementia library is a new digital service offering support for people living with dementia and their carers. It hosts a selection of safe and trusted mobile applications that provide people affected by dementia and their carers with information and guidance on the condition, advice on self-care and how to carry on with their day-to-day activities for as long as possible.Digital Health & Care NI, Public Health Agency and Dept of Health N Ireland.Department of Public Health, University of Naples ‘Federico II’.Applications/web platforms.Knowledge exchange and training.
ClicSalud+is the portal for citizens’ secure access to personal health information, for both administrative (eg, centre and professionals assigned) and clinical (reports, medication, analytical test results, etc) purposes, facilitating common procedures (requests for or changes to appointments, choosing centres and professionals, renewing health cards, etc).Regional Ministry of Health and Families of Andalusia/Andalusian Health Service.Scottish Government, Digital Health and Care Directorate.Online health portals.
Applications/web platforms.
Knowledge exchange and training.
Healthy Lifestyle Assessment Toolkit
The Healthy Lifestyle Assessment Toolkit has been built following a co-creation exercise developed by an interdisciplinary panel of experts, technology developers and end users to implement a technology-assisted eight dimensions containing a survey designed to extract (by replying to queries or interacting with technologies) data into a toolkit database. At the end, the user is offered a lifestyle recommendation report.Ageing@CoimbraFORTH, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas and University of Crete.Multidisciplinary team support, workflow, care planning and coordination.Knowledge exchange and training.
InspireD and Clear dementia applications
InspireD Reminiscence App—this is an application developed by Ulster University that supports people living with dementia and their carers to record their life, their story on an app specifically designed for smartphones and tablets.
CLEAR Dementia Care App is an application that facilitates the communication between patients and their carers, presenting information in a clear manner.
Digital Health & Care NI, Public Health Agency, obo DoH NI.Greek Carers Network EPIONI (NGO).ICT tools supporting adherence to care plans.
Applications/web platforms.
Knowledge exchange and training.
Living lab integrates an innovative approach to the care of elderly and chronic patients, introducing new technologies user-driven and tested in real-life contexts.Axencia Galega de Coñecemento en Saúde (ACIS).Centro de Investigação, Diagnóstico, Formação e Acompanhamento das Demências (CIDIFAD) da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Riba d’Ave.Multidisciplinary team support, workflow, care planning and coordination.
Other—Living labs.
Knowledge exchange and training.
My home fits & Smart Library
(The Netherlands)
The ‘Smart Library’ enables older people and their (professional or informal carers) to get neutral information (not a sales pitch) as well as to lend these smart technologies for a few weeks to experience the use and value of this in their regular daily lives.
My home fits is a service that provides users with a series of home improvement tips and tools to avoid these crisis situations, in the ‘House Tests’ performed via an online platform, and then can be implemented by in-person volunteers.
GeneratieThuis.Atendo.Technology for fall prevention.
Home care, tele monitoring and mobile health systems.
Age-friendly buildings.
Training programmes for patients/users.
Training programmes for health professionals.
Knowledge exchange and training.
Protein Fortified Bread
Optimisation of the cereal-based functional food (bread) products enriched in plant-based protein.University of Hohenheim, Process Analytics and Cereal Science.University of Coimbra, Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education.Technology for fall prevention.
Training programmes for patients/users.
Other, specify.
Creation, development and implementation of novel baked goods, nutritionally rich in plant-based proteins.
Knowledge exchange and training.
The SoCaTeL team has developed a useful, transparent and easy-to-use platform following a quadruple-helix approach, in which service users, care professionals, researchers and innovators can collaborate throughout the process. It is based on the first-hand knowledge of the needs of all the people involved and they can choose how to receive or give these services.Rovira I Virgili University.Innovation Centre of the Usti Region.Applications/web platforms.Adaptation.
  • ICT (Information and Communication Technology)Informa

  • EHR (Electronic Health Record)