Table 3

AI technologies used in opioid research by all included studies (n=81), based on Brownlee’s Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms26

AI technologyNumber of studies*
Ensemble algorithms48
 Random forest29
 Gradient boosting machine7
 Stochastic gradient boosting5
 eXtreme Gradient Boosting4
 Boosted tree1
 Ensemble (unspecified)1
Natural language processing37
 Natural language processing29
 Natural language processing and the Biterm Topic Model5
 Natural language processing and machine learning2
 Natural language processing and topic modelling (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)1
Deep learning algorithms23
 Neural network10
 Deep neural network5
 Convolution neural network4
 Recurrent neural network4
Instance-based algorithms22
 Support vector machine18
 K-nearest neighbour4
Regularisation algorithms16
 Elastic Net10
 Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator6
Regression algorithms13
 Logistic regression10
 Regularised regression1
 Multinomial regression1
 Boosted regression1
Bayesian algorithms5
 Naïve Bayes4
 Bayesian belief network1
Decision tree algorithms4
 Decision tree4
Clustering algorithms1
 Bi-k-means clustering modelling1
 Hybrid combining multiobjective optimisation and support vector regression1
  • *Some studies reported the use of multiple types of AI technologies in a single study; thus, the total number is greater than 81.

  • AI, artificial intelligence.