Table 2

Factors perceived to determine adoption of horizon scanning methodologies

COM-B componentsTDF domainsIllustrative quotes
Individual capability
Knowledge of structured reviews
Research methodsThose who work in research, they're used to… that way of thinking (1)
Skills to perform a horizon scanning
Technical skillsIt is an extensive job to do this kind of (literature) search… I don't feel comfortable enough to be able to say that I want to do it myself (1)
Individual motivation
Beliefs about consequences of using a horizon scanning framework
Validity and reliability of information
Outcomes of filtering and priority setting
Stakeholder involvement
Having a structured process (is) a very good tool, I think. (6)
I like the idea of being systematic…and to have a common understanding of the choice of method. (8)
We are far too unaware about frameworks and systems, that is, the process. (7)
If the selection criteria (of models) are specific, the job will be easier because there are frameworks to deal with. But there will be less freedom of action. (1)
You'd imagine you'd taken a few ‘short-cuts’. (6)
Beliefs about capabilities to do horizon scanning
Technical skills
Knowledge of stakeholdesr’ roles and professional identities
Knowledge of organisational regulations
The (HS) method requires good knowledge and common understanding…and an agreement on the goal. (6)
There are some that are not very familiar with literature searches. (3)
There are challenges, such as different (professional) ‘languages’ (…) it is important not to take prior knowledge for granted. (3)
Positivity, engagement
Change fatigue
People are tired of new projects …You need people that are committed. (3)
I have a feeling that the vast majority… have neither the energy nor the desire (to participate in innovation projects). (4)
Organisational and contextual opportunity
Organisational resources
Professional library
Management support
We are happy to ask the librarians… about help. (1)
We have very little time to collect the necessary, and good enough, information. (8)
The management (must) understand that things take time, and that one must implement all these processes…and bring in new people because it was not the right ones that were included. (4)
Organisational, legal, political regulations
Professional hierarchies
Complexity of ‘integrated care’
(There are) political guidelines and regulations. (3)
We must be able to make local adaptations. The different municipalities have different needs. (9)
It’s like two groups, the municipal staff and the hospital staff. (8)
There is a huge number of questions that the RHA wants us to answer. We think that it’s really quite impossible. (8)
  • COM-B, Capability, Opportunity and Motivation model of Behaviour; HS, horizon scanning; RHA, Regional Health Authorities; TDF, Theoretical Domains Framework.