Table 1

Use of Agile Innovation to develop the Brain CareNotes mobile app for dementia care

Agile Innovation stepsExample activity performed by design and clinical experts
1. Confirm demand.
  • Clinical leaders repeatedly assured designers of the need to better support family caregivers of persons with dementia.

2. Study the problem.
  • Clinicians shared existing data, documents and protocols.

  • Designers conducted rapid ethnographic study with clinical staff, patients and caregivers.

3. Scan for solutions.
  • Designers investigated existing solutions such as apps, telemedicine and educational materials.

  • Designers met with clinical staff, who reported what had been tried in the past and how well it had worked.

4. Plan for evaluation and termination.
  • Designers and clinicians defined success as a solution that is usable and acceptable to caregivers, free or minimal cost, and improves well-characterised clinical outcomes.

  • Designers and clinicians agreed to terminate the solution if it failed to produce the agreed-upon outcomes or caused significant harm.

5. Ideate and select.
  • Designers generated potential solutions, drawing on input from clinicians.

  • Designers, with clinician support, chose to pursue a mobile app, based on convenience, personalisation, visual nature and scalability.

6. Run innovation development sprints.
  • Designers performed multiple rounds of design and testing of prototypes with caregivers and clinicians.

  • Designers made changes throughout the process, based on user feedback, observed barriers and clinician input.

7. Validate solutions.
  • Designers partnered with clinicians to pilot test the app’s usability, acceptability and efficacy for patients and caregivers.

8. Package for launch.
  • Designers worked with software developer to create tools needed to allow any clinical service to modify the app to their needs.

  • Clinicians incorporated the app into their care delivery protocols.