Table 3

Evaluation questionnaire administered to the hackers at the third hackathon, Hack MedEd, at the Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan, 17, 18 and 23 February 2018

#Question or statementMean score (SD)
1I felt inspired after attending the hackathon4.02 (0.87)
2I felt that problems proposed by the team were relevant and important4.12 (0.73)
3I felt solutions developed by my team were realistically implementable4.34 (0.66)
4I felt teams were a healthy mix of people from different fields3.79 (1.04)
5I felt hackathon helped increase knowledge of medical education problems and solutions4.07 (0.82)
6I felt mentors played a necessary part in hackathon4.14 (0.88)
7I plan to continue developing my teams proposed solution further4.33 (0.70)
8I felt different activities of the event started and finished on time4.47 (0.77)
9I felt the given time was adequate to complete the hackathon4.06 (0.96)
10I felt the schedule was relaxed, non-stressful and fun4.14 (1.01)
11I felt that mentoring during the event was helpful4.14 (0.89)
12I felt overall organisation of the activity was commendable4.36 (0.74)
13Would you recommend our next hackathon to your peers or colleagues96.5% (Yes)
  • Each statement could be scored from 1 to 5 on a Likert scale, with 1 being the most unfavourable to five being the most favourable response. The mean scores as well as SD of each score are shown in the table for the 116 hackers.