Table 1

Postevent survey administered to the hackers at the JIC, 23 March to 10 April 2020

S. noQuestion or statementMean score (SD)
1Did you feel any anxiety as a result of coronavirus and reporting on coronavirus before joining the JIC group?2.4 (1.01)
2As part of the group, did you feel you had access to more credible information on management COVID-19?3.0 (1.44)
3Did the projects and innovations being discussed on the group help you better manage fear and uncertainty around coronavirus?2.86 (1.39)
4Did the engagement and interactions within the group give you hope that the negative impact of coronavirus could be successfully addressed through team work, and collaboration?3.63 (0.96)
5Did you feel the office hours were helpful in guiding you and your team to develop your innovations?2.7 (1.23)
6Did you feel the speaker sessions were helpful in guiding you and your team to develop your innovations?2.92 (1.14)
7If yes to above, did being part of a project team increase your awareness about the effects of coronavirus, and as a result, help you to be better prepared, both physically and mentally?3.5 (1.06)
  • Each statement could be scored from 1 to 5 on a Likert scale, with 1 being the most unfavourable to 5 being the most favourable response. The mean scores as well as the SD of each score are shown in the table for the 24 hackers.

  • JIC, Jugaar Innovation Challenge.