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Using tailored media as an innovative approach to recruit to global health research
  1. Keerti Gedela1,
  2. Gerri McHugh2,
  3. Dian Saputra3,
  4. Hendry Luis4,
  5. Alan McOwan1,
  6. Frank Stephen Wignall4,
  7. Evi Sukmaningrum5,
  8. Gary Whitlock1,
  9. Nneka Nwokolo6,
  10. Irwanto Irwanto5
  1. 1 56 Dean Street Clinic, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
  2. 2 Strategic Partnerships, Global Health Film, London, UK
  3. 3 Media production, Matahati Productions, Jakarta, Indonesia
  4. 4 Yayasan Bali Peduli, Bali, Indonesia
  5. 5 Psychology and the HIV/AIDS Research Centre (PUI-PT PPH), Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
  6. 6 Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Keerti Gedela, 56 Dean Street Clinic, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London SW10 9NH, UK; keertigedela{at}


Digital media has a global reach that includes increasingly marginalised and vulnerable communities. Engaging, empowering media paired with key health messaging can provide education in more effective ways, build trust and bring communities together. An HIV testing and study recruitment film was co-created with a multidisciplinary team of HIV/sexual health physicians, medical and social science researchers from Bali, Jakarta and London, as well as members of the community and commercial film and media creatives. This short film provides a novel and innovative approach to recruit to a social science study and encourage HIV testing among men who have sex with men in Indonesia. This study aims to inform a digital HIV risk reduction tool for a community affected by increasing marginalisation and a fast-growing HIV epidemic.

  • global health
  • infectious disease medicine
  • men's health
  • public health
  • sexual health

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  • Twitter @DrKeertiGedela, @ghfilm

  • Collaborators Mark Atkin Tom Millen from Crossover Labs.

  • Contributors KG and II are lead and senior author respectively, all other authors contributed significantly to either the film development, content and review.

  • Funding MRC/Newton Fund and RISTEKDIKTI. Grant reference: MR/S019987/1.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.