Table 1

SFR module description

Module 1 ‘Recovery from surgery’Provides information about the benefits of quitting while in hospital, the effects of continuing to smoke on recovery from surgery and prompts to think about the reason why the user continues to smoke.
Module 2 ‘Thinking about quitting’Provides information on reasons for quitting and helps the user identify their reasons for quitting. This module also contains information about what chemicals are in cigarettes, and prompts the user to set a quit date.
Module 3 ‘Quitting’Describes information about what an addiction is, as well as what withdrawals, cravings and triggers are. This section also presents tips to avoid or overcome these triggers.
This module also calculates the user's level of nicotine addiction using the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence.
Module 4 ‘Staying quit’Presents the reasons the user decided to quit and information about the benefits of staying cigarette free.
Module 5 ‘Heading home’Contains more information about the benefits of staying smoke free as well as information about how to avoid relapse.
Module 6 ‘Having trouble staying quit’Covers common difficulties faced when quitting smoking as well as tips on how to overcome setbacks.
Module 7 ‘Games and quizzes’Contains quizzes and games that teach the user about the negative effects of smoking on the body and recovery from surgery, as well as common myths and facts surrounding smoking.
Module 8 ‘Smoke-free diary’An interactive section in which the user can plan and track their quit smoking process, and receive graphic feedback of their progress.
Module 9 ‘Resources’Contains links to more information as well as information on common problems and solutions.
  • SFR, smoke-free recovery.