Table 1

A table comparing the results of surveys completed pre and post implementation of Healthcare Supervision Smartphone App and showing the results of questions about the acceptability of Healthcare Supervision Logbook (HSL) to users

QuestionPre-HSLAfter using HSL for 6 months
How frequently are you currently able to provide feedback about the clinical and educational supervision you receive as part of your training?Annually: 66%
Monthly: 21%
Fortnightly: 4%
Weekly: 7%
Daily: 2%
Annually: 0%
Monthly: 5%
Fortnightly: 0%
Weekly: 14%
Daily: 82%
Do you feel that you get enough opportunities to provide feedback on the clinical and educational supervision you receive as a specialty trainee?Strongly disagree: 8.6%
Disagree: 33.6%
Neither agree nor disagree: 26.6%
Agree: 26.8%
Strongly Agree: 4.4%
Strongly disagree: 0%
Disagree: 0%
Neither agree nor disagree: 5%
Agree: 77%
Strongly Agree: 18%
I found HSL Smartphone App's functions easy to useNAStrongly disagree: 0%
Disagree: 0%
Neither agree nor disagree: 18%
Agree: 64%
Strongly Agree: 18%
I would be willing to continue using HSL Smartphone App in the futureNAStrongly disagree: 0%
Disagree: 0%
Neither agree nor disagree: 9%
Agree: 59%
Strongly Agree: 32%