Table 2

Baseline demographics*

Assessment adherenceAdherentNon-adherentp ValueEffect size
PHQ-9‡13.25 (5.0)14.5 (4.9)0.0010.24
Age‡34.7 (11.4)30.7 (10.8)<0.0010.36
 <12 years61 (17.09)95 (25.54)
 College206 (57.70)211 (56.72)
 Graduate90 (25.21)66 (17.74)
Gender¶80 (22.4)75 (20.2)0.460.11
Minority**130 (36.4)161 (43.3)0.060.23
 $20 000 or less81 (39.32)91 (47.40)
 $20 000–$40 00050 (24.27)52 (27.08)
 $40 000–$60 00034 (16.50)30 (15.62)
 $60 000–$80 00021 (10.19)7 (3.65)
 $80 000–$100 0006 (2.91)6 (3.12)
 $100 000+14 (6.80)6 (3.12)
  • *Means and SDs unless otherwise specified.

  • †All effect sizes converted to Cohen's d.

  • ‡Welch t test.

  • §Pearson χ2 test; number and percentage.

  • ¶Pearson χ2 test; number and percentage of males.

  • **Pearson χ2 test; number and percentage of ethnic minorities.

  • ††Fisher's exact test; number and percentage.

  • PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire.