TableĀ 1

Twelve trainees using the prototype version of Healthcare Supervision Logbook completed a feedback form

Survey itemResponse
I would be happy for a trainer to see the content of the app100% agreed or strongly agreed
An app like this will help prompt trainees to complete work-based assessments80% agreed or strongly agreed
An app like this will help provide feedback to trainers60% agreed, 40% ambivalent
An app like this will help detect undermining100% were ambivalent
An app like this will help prevent undermining100% were ambivalent
The app would help me provide evidence of training and learning for annual appraisal80% agreed or strongly agreed
The app would help me keep a record of my clinical activities80% agreed or strongly agreed
I would be happy to use an app like this in the future80% agreed or strongly agreed
  • Responses were on a five-point scale assessing agreement with the statement. Responses were either strongly agree, agree, ambivalent, disagree or strongly disagree.